11 Big, Leafy Plants That’ll Bring Your Empty Corner to Life

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Plants photo

We all have one. A sad, empty corner that you could style a few ways, but just never have. Our current favorite solution? A big, leafy plant. Not quite a “tree” (we have small city apartments, okay?), but a plant that’s larger than your average monstera. Keep reading for a variety of plant babies that will instantly brighten up your home.

wood chair with zebra rug and plant

Palm Plants

There are so many different palms to choose from. The parlour, majesty, and fan palm plants have many thin leaves while the ponytail palm has more of a real trunk and resembles the classic palms you associate with warm weather climates. Bottom line: You can’t go wrong with a palm plant.

White Bedroom

Rubber Tree

We like to think of the Rubber Tree as a cousin to the hard-to-kill ZZ plant. Rubber trees are fairly low-maintenance, are easy to find in a variety of sizes, and have darker, thick leaves that make it perfect for a minimalist space, like Erin Fetherston’s California home you see here.

Light type: Medium to bright

Green Living room

Fiddle Leaf Fig

The ficus that started it all! By now, we all know even the most devoted plant parents have trouble keeping fickle fiddles alive and prospering. We have tips to help, but also wouldn’t tattle for opting to buy a fake.

Light type: Bright

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Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise is a go-to alternative to the Fiddle Leaf Fig for a few reasons. It’s similar in size, is marginally easier to keep alive, and has flowers that actually bloom. We like that it has big, thick fronds, not a trunk.

Light type: Medium to bright


Dracaena Lisa Plant

If you’re looking for a plant that grows taller, not wider, the Dracaena family is a good place to start your search. This distinctive plant has stalks that more closely resemble the bamboo plant.

Light type: Low to medium


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