Crotons are popular Indian house plants for their colourful foliage and intriguing patterns. They come in hundreds of varieties to be planted both indoors and outdoors. Mainly used for ornamental purposes, croton plants add a dash of colour and intrigue to your interiors, balcony, or vertical garden. Plus, the plants are low maintenance and ideal for beginners.

About the Croton Plant

Croton plants are beloved houseplants, thanks to their bright, radiant foliage. The different types of crotons display a wide assortment of leaf shapes showcasing various colours spanning green, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, and more. They are excellent air purifiers too!
However, most croton varieties are toxic if consumed. So better take necessary precautions to protect them from pets and children, especially if grown indoors.
Different Types of Croton Plants to Spruce Up Your Home
Finding the best plant that matches your interiors can be pretty challenging, considering the numerous types of croton plants available in India. So, to make your hunt easier, we’ve listed 12 popular croton plant varieties with pictures. Check them out!
1. Banana Croton

2. Zanzibar Croton

This croton variety makes for one of the best indoor plants.
3. Magnificent Croton

Magnificient crotons can reach up to 7 feet in height when grown outdoors. They are resilient croton varieties that do not lose colour even in the shade. This makes them perfect for adding charm to the dull corners of your room.
4. Petra Croton

Placing a large pot of Petra croton is one of the best balcony design ideas that never fails to impress.
5. Yellow Icetone Croton

The warm Yellow Icetone croton can adorn both indoor and outdoor spaces. They grow up to three to four feet in height. Their flowers are rich in nectar and attract many butterflies and hummingbirds.
Alternatively, you can go for Red Iceton, which matures in striking shades of red and pink.
6. Mammy Croton

The plant’s glossy leaves and striking colour hold a high ornamental value that can pep up your balcony or living room. While the plant can be grown indoors and outdoors, it is better to take it in during cold seasons.
7. Gold Dust Croton

Gold dust thrives best in humidity and places with indirect sunlight. So if you’re planning to keep it indoors, better place it where it can receive at least three to four hours of indirect light.
Easy to grow and pleasing to look at, gold dust is a variety that all plant lovers must have in their homes.
8. Andrew Croton
Andrew Croton is an uncommon variety of croton, thanks to its pointy leaves and creamy white hues. This Malaysian croton variety is better placed in shades to protect its leaves from bleaching. The leaves can reach up to 10 inches in length with proper care.
9. Bush on Fire
The bush on fire croton is named after its vibrant leaves splattered with yellow, pink, and red colours. The tropical plant is native to India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Western Pacific Ocean. Fun and quirky, they make a great addition to your indoor jungle.
Another notable feature of the plant is its frequent change of colours. A glance at this leafy beauty will brighten up your mood indoors.
10. Lauren’s Rainbow Croton

Besides, its high drought tolerance and low humidity needs make the house plant an ideal choice for beginners.
11. Mother and Daughter Croton
Mother and daughter croton gets its name from its unmistakable leaf. The long narrow leaf gives the impression of holding another small leaflet at the end. It is a single leaf joined via the midrib.
The leaves of this croton vary from deep green to deep purple, with small yellow or ivory dashes spattered in between. This unique croton variety grows well in dappled sunlight. It can reach up to two feet indoors and four feet outdoors.
12. Picasso’s Paintbrush Croton
This croton type is as interesting as its name. The plant features slender leaves that resemble paintbrushes dipped in colourful pallets of bright colours. They resemble ornamental grass and add to your interiors alongside other croton varieties.
Croton Plant Care and Maintenance
Croton plants are easy to care for and maintain. They thrive on sunlight and low humidity. So as long as you don’t overwater them, they will grow just fine.
Croton plants can be grown as outdoor plants in warmer climates. However, for other environmental conditions, they are best suited as a house plant. Croton plants can serve as beautiful accent pieces for your balcony, living room, or vertical garden when grown indoors.
The amount of sunlight croton leaves receive directly affects their colour. Plants exposed to brighter lights obtain a beautiful orange and red tint. On the other hand, plants placed in shades are greener in colour.
In case your plants lose their colour, place them in sunlight for some time until they get the vibrant shades back.
How to Grow Croton Plants?

Croton plants need six to eight hours of sunlight to thrive. A spot that receives indirect light throughout the day is the best. Some species cannot tolerate direct sun but require dappled sunlight. You can know the plant isn’t receiving enough light if its leaves turn green.
Crotons plants should be planted in loose, well-draining soil. Choose a sturdy pot that can anchor the plant as they grow in height. Indoors crotons are best placed beside your brightest window.
Croton plants favour warm, humid environments due to their tropical origin. So keep the soil base evenly moist but not constantly wet. Check the soil regularly. If it feels dry when touched, it’s time to water them.
Also, look out for indicators of water needs, such as wilting of young foliage. The plant may require frequent misting in a dry environment for healthy foliage growth.
Temperature and Weather Conditions
Crotons are warm-weather plants. They grow best in temperatures between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, though they can tolerate temperatures as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit and as low as forty degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll need to bring your plant indoors for areas where the nighttime temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius.
Like all plants, Crotons, too, need lots of nutrients to grow their colourful foliage. So fertilize the plants every month during growing periods in summer, spring, and early fall with water-soluble plant feed.
Since fertilizers vary from type to type, read the package instruction for feeding quantity. Depending on how vigorously you want the plant to grow, you can add or reduce the dose. Stop fertilizing during the winter months.
You can prune croton plants from time to time to remove dead leaves and give the plant a proper shape. Periodic pruning can rejuvenate the plant. But ensure not to cut off more than 1/3rd of the stem height at a time. Instead, trim just above the node or leaf set so they can regrow from the cut portion.
Wrapping Up

1. How many wide varieties of croton plants are there?
There are more than 100 croton varieties worldwide. They are available in a wide assortment of leaf types and colours. Oval, elliptical, ribbon and rounded leaves are some popular leaf types. These leaves vary in colour between white, green, orange, yellow, pink, red, and purple. With age, the leaves darken to almost black.
2. Which croton plant is best?
Though often grown outdoors in tropical climates, croton plants make excellent houseplants. All varieties of plants are unique and beautiful in their way. So the best croton plant choice lies in the eye of the beholder.
Consider your interior and the size of the plant your room can accommodate before choosing between the different types of croton plants. Colourful crotons like Zanzibar, petra, bush on fire, and Picasso’s paintbrush add personality and charm to your interiors. But if you like plants with greener shades, you can go for golden dust or Andrew crotons.
Though most crotons require indirect light, some grow well in shadows. If you have dark interiors, classic Petra crotons or magnificent crotons could be excellent choices as they are resilient and do not lose colour in the shade.
3. What is the lifespan of a croton plant?
An indoor croton plant generally lives for two to four years. Outdoor plants can live much longer if the weather condition is suitable. However, you can keep the plant growing for many years by propagating them.
Propagating a croton plant is relatively easy. Take a three to four-inch stem cutting from a mature, healthy plant and plant it in a small pot. Ensure that the cutting has at least three to five leaves on it.
Place the pot in a warm area (ideally 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit) and water the soil to maintain continuous moisture. The plant will take root in about a month. You can then transfer it to a larger container. This way, you can keep your plant growing for years.
4. How fast do crotons grow?
Crotons are slow-growing house plants. They can grow up to 12 inches each year during the growing season. The plant takes two to three years to reach its full maturity.
Outdoor crotons have been found to reach up to twelve feet in height. However, the maximum size of indoor crotons is restricted to 4 feet. The height and growth rate also depend on the species of croton you’ve grown.
You can encourage faster growth by providing warm temperatures, bright indirect light, adequate moisture, and monthly fertilization.