Not just for foliage, you can also grow indoor plants for their bright, colorful blooms! Here are the Best Flowering Houseplants you can try!
Want a pop of colors in your room with mesmerizing fragrance? Here are the most amazing Flowering Houseplants you can grow!
Best Flowering Houseplants
Do note that all these inside plants and flowers would really appreciate it if you keep them near a window so that they get their exposure to direct sunlight for 3-4 hours daily.
1. Begonia
Botanical Name: Begonia
First on the list of flowering houseplants is begonia. Wax Begonia, Rieger Begonia, and Angel-Wing Begonia are among the best and most popular ones you can try.
2. Bromeliad
Botanical Name: Bromeliaceae
If you are looking for long flowering house plants, then go for this! Bromeliads can thrive easily without much care in low-light conditions as well.
3. African Violet
Botanical Name: Saintpaulia
African violets are easy-to-care long flowering house plants that can be grown indoors for their beautiful flowers and foliage. Keep them where they can receive filtered sunlight.
4. Geranium
Botanical Name: Pelargonium
Geraniums are one of the best flowers to grow indoors. They require a south or west-facing windowsill that receives ample sun and moderate watering.
5. Poinsettia

Botanical Name: Euphorbia pulcherrima
Another beautiful flower to grow indoors is poinsettia. Havint it in your home can add a bright touch to your interior. Its multicolor bracts look more colorful than its flowers.
6. Peace Lily
Botanical Name: Spathiphyllum
This has to be one of the best indoor flowers on the list! Peace lily‘s beautiful white bracts and tiny flowers flourish in low lighting conditions.
7. Lipstick Plant
Botanical Name: Aeschynanthus
Although not commonly grown as a houseplant, lipstick plants can be grown indoors. It requires a constantly warm temperature and humid surroundings to thrive.
8. Madagascar Jasmine

Botanical Name: Stephanotis floribunda
One of the best indoor flowers, growing jasmine in rooms is possible if you keep this fragrant vine in a bright spot that receives a few hours of direct sunlight.
9. Impatiens
Botanical Name: Impatiens
This list of indoor flowering plants will be incomplete without Impatiens. In optimum conditions, you can grow them year-round as a houseplant.
10. Kalanchoe
Botanical Name: Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe is a tropical indoor flowering plant, and it can be grown indoors. You can keep it near a window where it will receive a few good hours of sunlight to bloom.
11. Oxalis
Botanical Name: Oxalis
This beautiful Purple Leaf Shamrock can adorn your house with showy purple foliage and white or pink flowers. Place this indoor flowering plant in a bright spot.
12. Cape Primrose

Botanical Name: Streptocarpus
One of the best flowering house plants, this one is a must have! You may also go for hybrid specimens with bigger flowers, longer blooming times, and more compact foliage.
13. Christmas Cactus

Botanical Name: Schlumbergera
Christmas cactus is the favorite flowering house plant of many homeowners. The blooms create a lovely, warm atmosphere.
14. Crown of Thorn

Botanical Name: Euphorbia milii
The Crown of Thorns has become an exceptional flowering house plants due to its low maintenance. If you grow on a sunny window, it will thrive happily.
15. Black-Eyed Susan Vine
Botanical Name: Thunbergia alata
Depending on your climate, this flowering houseplant can add a dramatic appeal to an open room. Keep it near a big window, where it can get direct sunlight.
16. Purple Heart or Inch Plant (Wandering Dude)

Botanical Name: Tradescantia pallida
A cluster of purple, lance-shaped leaves makes the Inch plant an impressive flowering houseplant. Keep it in a spot where it can receive a couple of hours of direct sun.
17. Orchids
Botanical Name: Orchidaceae
Orchids are different from other houseplants, so planting an these flowering houseplants in regular potting soil is actually one of the best ways to kill it.
18. Hydrangea
Botanical Name: Hydrangea
Hydrangeas could be a great addition to your home when the bright-colored foliage plants flowers naturally. Ensure the soil is evenly moist and place them in direct sunlight.
20. Hoya Carnosa
Botanical Name: Hoya
These stunning flowering house plants can thrive well in a varied range of climates and also light conditions. The little buds are in the shape of stars and have a waxy texture.
21. Flowering Maple

Botanical Name: Abutilon x hybridum
Flowering Maple grows paper-like blooms in shades of orange, pink, yellow, or red. Keep these flowering house plants at a location where it gets plenty of bright and indirect light.
22. Brazilian Fireworks

Botanical Name: Porphyrocoma pohliana ‘Maracas
Brazilian Fireworks is another favorite flowering houseplant because it looks gorgeous even after it has done blooming with the silver markings on green leaves.
23. Anthurium
Botanical Name: Anthurium andraeanum
Anthuriums offer long-lasting heart-shaped blooms in lavender, white, pink, or red. Even when it is not blooming, these potted flowering plants look striking on their own.
24. Gloxinia

Botanical Name: Sinningia speciosa
Gloxinia usually blooms in early spring and late winter and looks spectacular with huge flowers in the shape of an eye-catching bell shape.
25. Clivia

Botanical Name: Clivia miniata
Grow Kaffir Lily or Clivia as a flowering houseplant with pretty blooms that open up in winter. Remember to put them in a location that is lit all day with bright sunlight.
26. Silver Vase Plant
Botanical Name: Aechmea fasciata
With gray-green, stiff leaves, these potted flowering plants send up a huge cluster of pink bracts that produce short-lived purple blooms.
27. Bird of Paradise

Botanical Name: Strelitzia
If you want a large houseplant that grows exotic blooms, this is the one to grow! Keep it near a well-lit window, and these potted flowering plants will add a lot of charm.
28. Calamondin Orange
Botanical Name: Citrofortunella microcarpa
This charming flowering houseplant produces beautiful, sweet-smelling white blossoms during late winter or spring.
29. Goldfish Plant
Botanical Name: Nematanthus gregarious
The goldfish plant derives its name from the abundant clusters of red-orange flowers that resemble leaping goldfish, which grace its presence during the spring and summer seasons.
30. Shrimp Plant
Botanical Name: Aeschynanthus radicans
Known for its abundant blooms, these flowering houseplants consistently produce flower spikes throughout the year, resembling small shrimps in appearance.
31. Ixora
Botanical Name: Ixora coccinea
Ixora is a vibrant flowering houseplant characterized by clusters of orange, red, and yellow flowers that grace its presence during the winter season.