Gardens are meant to be seen, but most gardeners spend most of their time near plants. Still, seating is an important aspect of any garden.

Gardens represent the gardener’s vision and are as changeable as the weather, so there are no hard and fast rules about seating in a garden. It can be purely functional or as fanciful as the gardener’s imagination.

A terrace facing a great view may never get used to, but a secluded spot to read or chairs waiting nearby when you unload your tools may be too hard to resist.

Often the seats are used to draw visitors into the garden or draw them down a path. They can’t sit down, but the temptation is there. Even more seductive is the promise of a secret hideaway to read or nap.

And don’t underestimate the extravagance; a large or brightly colored creation can make a garden extremely beautiful, especially for children.
































