Do you suffer from the black thumb? Don’t despair. Pour one out for those succulents you over-watered, and that supposedly drought-resistant bloomer that crumbled to dust on your watch. There is still hope for you to have a healthy symbiotic relationship with the house plant of your dreams. Marrickville’s own foliage whisperer Felicity Keep, the owner and director of PlantGirl, is here to help. Keep’s ethos is all about providing beginner-friendly guidance to empower everyone to experience the joy of plants. Here are her top suggestions for chill, hard-to-kill house plants that shouldn’t succumb to even the blackest of thumbs.

Photograph: Supplied/PlantGirl

Photograph: Supplied/PlantGirl

Photograph: Supplied/PlantGirl

Photograph: Severin Candrian/Unsplash

Photograph: Supplied/PlantGirl

Photograph: Supplied/PlantGirl

Photograph: Supplied/PlantGirl