Man City fans create a BIZARRE calendar with Jack Grealish’s muscular calves

JACK Grealish fans can get a kick out of a calendar of his muscular calves.

Kevin Beresford, 71, created it a third time, saying the Man City ace’s pins, are even “more defined and groomed”.

Jack Grealish fans can get a kick out of a calendar

A fan created a wacky calendar of the ace’s muscular calves

It’s a step up from the Worcestershire man’s other previous calendars celebrating allotments, car parks and roundabouts.

Grealish, along with his calves, were essential components of Pep Guardiola’s treble-winning team from the previous season.

We recently discussed how, despite thinking of himself as a trendsetter, Grealish was rated Manchester City’s worst dressed player.

The 28-year-old winger Grealish earlier claimed that his teammate Rodri had the most offensive gear, calling it “awful.”

But the tables were turned on the England star when the Spanish midfielder said in an interview that he thought Grealish was the club’s worst dressed player.

Grealish posted the clip on his Instagram page alongside a shocked face emoji.

In the interview, 27-year-old Rodri is asked who is the worst-dressed on the team.

He replies: “They say it’s me but I don’t agree. I think it’s Jack.”


Calendar of Jack Grealish's CALVES are flying off the shelves ahead of  Christmas | Daily Mail Online

Kevin Beresford, 71, created the calendar for a third time 

Kevin said the Man City ace’s pins are now even ‘more defined and groomed’

The calendar is named ‘The Wonderful World of Jack Grealish’s Calves’ 

It’s a step up from the Worcestershire man’s other previous calendars

Grealish, as well as his calves, had a crucial role in Pep Guardiola’s treble-winning squad last season

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