Man City stars take photo with NBA’s 7ft giant, Haaland looks tiny next to him

BASKETBALLER Mamadou N’Diaye is a towering influence on his fellow athletes — even Erling Haaland.

Senegalese N’Diaye, who is 7ft, dwarfed the Norwegian striker who, at 6ft 4ins, is used to looking down on his Manchester City pals.

Basketball star Mamadou N’Diaye, who is 7ft, dwarfed the Norwegian striker Erling Haaland who, at 6ft 4ins, and City team-mates Ederson and Bernardo Silva

In another snap, N’Diaye appears as tall as an old telephone box — which are traditionally 8ft 3ins

The star on the basketball court

Goalkeeper Ederson just reached N’Diaye’s bicep — but Bernardo Silva barely made it past his chest.


N’Diaye met with the City squad after their 3-1 win at West Ham on Saturday.

He captioned the hilarious snap: “Thanks to @westham @erling.haaland & @bernardocarvalhosilva”.

One fan commented: “Haaland ain’t supposed to look that tiny” while another joked “I thought Haaland was huge but…”

Another image shows N’Diaye standing as tall as a telephone box, which are typically 8 feet 3 inches tall.

When F1 driver Yuki Tsunoda, who stands at 5 feet 3 inches, posed alongside the basketball player, it was clear how much taller N’Diaye was than a fellow athlete.

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