Discover the Stunning Beauty of These Seven Potted Foliage Plants That Will Leave You in Awe

Many gardeners prefer ornamental plants because they can create a calm atmosphere. Foliage plants become extremely important for large pots with a variety of textures, colors, contrasts and flowers. Check out the 7 MOST Stunning Potted Foliage Plants below if you want to add beauty to a room with the perfect combination.



The Alocasia plant has patterned leaves. Gardeners prefer this plant for the striking beauty of the pattern on the leaves. There are quite a few types, including this Alocasia Silver Dragon. The leaf pattern is striking and has a silvery-green tint.

Colocasia Esculenta Black Lava

Black lava Colocasia esculenta has large, beautiful leaves. When used as a favorite plant, the large, glossy leaves are smooth in texture and spectacular in appearance. The pink leaf veins of this plant have a distinct pattern section with almost dark purple accents.

Mask of the Pharaoh of Lugarsia


Colosias, also known as Pharaoh’s Mask, is a unique variety with shiny leaves that stand out. Plus the veins on the leaves that add depth. The margins of the leaves are dark and curve downwards. This plant can reach a height of 4 feet and is best suited for large containers.


Caladium are the plants with colorful leaves that are known as ornamental plants. There are numerous types that can be found anywhere. This one has pink and white veins in the middle and slightly golden edges on the leaves.




This makoyana is one of several varieties of calathea. The leaves have striking peacock-like markings and are patterned in a deep, almost dark green. They can grow up to 30 cm tall. The best way to care for it is to keep it in an area with lots of sunlight and humidity.

Homalomena variegata

This is not a monstera with large leaves. It is a plant with a different plant that grows well with sun exposure. To avoid burning the leaves, the beautiful gradations of green, yellow and orange require shade and sunlight for about 4 to 5 hours per day.

Festive Sterling Begonia


The begonia is a plant with showy leaves and a stunning appearance. It is a plant known for being difficult to care for. It thrives in shade that is still exposed to sunlight. Silver leaves with green edges and spotted details.




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