Dwayne The Rock Johnson gives valuable life lesson on success and hard work

Dwayne Johnson shares encouraging message to his fans on social media

Dwayne The Rock Johnson has recently shared valuable life lesson on hard work and success on social media

On July 9, the Jungle Cruise star took to Instagram and posted a video from his weekend getaway to the mountains.

In the clip, the Fast & Furious actor could be seen enjoying the scenic view as he called it absolutely gorgeous and also described a “perfect setting” to take “mental inventory”.

The Black Adam pointed out to the mountain which he believed represents “hard work” to him.

“Hard work is to climb the mountain with the two hands or fight through the fatigue or fight through noise of daily life,” stated the Rampage actor.

Dwayne also mentioned that the most thing that matters to him is how “good human being” one is.

Dwayne The Rock Johnson gives valuable life lesson on success and hard work: Video

In the caption, the Red Notice star recalled being asked “a great question a few months ago during an interview”.

“What happens when you finally succeed at something you’ve worked so hard for? When you’ve climbed and reached your mountain top – where do you go?” he wrote in the caption.

Dwayne explained, “I said, well when you finally reach your mountain top, you pull people up with you so everyone wins.”

“And you make more mountain. So, the climb continues” he added.

In the end, he advised his fans and followers to “make more mountain”. 

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