Emilia Clarke’s Outfits in Me Before You: An Abomination

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros.

Watching Me Before You, the weepy romance starring Sam Claflin as a quadriplegic heir and Emilia Clarke as his chipper caregiver, can be an unnerving experience, if (a) you don’t think disabled people have nothing to live for or (b) you’re a Game of Thrones fan who doesn’t like having your favorite characters sullied by terrible clothing choices.

While seeing residents of Westeros in plainclothes is always a little surprising, there’s a special horror that comes from seeing Daenerys, Mother of Dragons and Wearer of Impeccable Going-Out Tops, demonstrating such horrifying pattern-clashing and lack of color coordination. This isn’t shade, by the way : Clarke’s character, Louisa, is meant to have an atrocious fashion sense; it is a sign of her quirkiness. (The book provides a darker rationale for her clothing choices, though this is omitted from the film—leaving behind only heinous sweaters).

We apologize in advance for what you’re about to see.

Photo: Alex Bailey/Courtesy of Warner Bros.

There should be a trigger warning every time this coat appears onscreen.

Photo: Alex Bailey/Courtesy of Warner Bros.

How can you just lie there and let these overalls happen, T-shirt girl!????

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros.

Like if Dr. Seuss made a horror film.

Photo: Alex Bailey/Courtesy of Warner Bros.

A combination of horse and dog patterns that will haunt your nightmares.

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros.

What is the insane woman with the all-butterfly outfit doing with that razor blade?

Photo: Alex Bailey/Courtesy of Warner Bros.


Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros.

Not a snowbrella. Please, God, no.

Photo: Alex Bailey/Courtesy of Warner Bros.

The fuzzy orange sweater has been paired with a rutabaga skirt. I repeat, THE FUZZY ORANGE SWEATER HAS BEEN PAIRED WITH A RUTABAGA SKIRT.

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros.

I don’t know what happens when she puts these tights on, but it is actually too horrible to contemplate.

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