John Cena and Dwayne Johnson are two WWE champions who have made a seamless transition to becoming action stars in Hollywood. While Johnson’s big breakthrough came with his presence in The Mummy Returns, Cena’s tryst with cinema started with The Marine in 2006. Both actors have gone on to star in big commercial blockbusters including stepping into the DC superhero world with The Rock taking on Black Adam and Cena portraying the Peacemaker.
With both WWE stars having had very similar career graphs in their sporting history as well as in Hollywood, there has always been a friendly but tough rivalry between them for supremacy. Former WWE legend Eric Bischoff who has seen both Johnson and Cena in close quarters has expressed his opinion on which star will rule the film industry.
Eric Bischoff Gives His Verdict On Dwayne Johnson and John Cena
WWE athletes John Cena and Dwayne Johnson have both made a successful jump into Hollywood after having glittering wrestling careers. From the wrestling ring to the silver screen, both stars have competed with each other with their respective fan following supporting them loyally. But who among them is the better actor in Hollywood? Former veteran wrestling champion and WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff has expressed his opinion that John Cena could have a brighter future in Hollywood despite Johnson preceding him. He said,
“John you know he may not be at that Rock status yet. I don’t know if he will be or maybe he’ll be bigger than Rock who knows what the future holds. But he’s a hell of an actor. He’s having a tremendous amount of success in the movie industry.”
Bischoff went on to defend his hypothesis by saying that Cena possessed the ability to observe, imbibe, and listen to instructions which gave him the upper hand in understanding the role he was assigned as an actor.
John Cena And Jackie Chan Are Co-Stars In Hidden Strike
John Cena has many exciting films lined up for the year and one of his latest releases involves a unique collaboration with martial arts veteran Jackie Chan. The two stars have shared screen space in the mystery action thriller Hidden Strike which was released in theaters on 6th July. The film has generated a lot of interest not just for the unlikely pairing of Chan and Cena, but also for their very different action skills. Cena who had no first-hand experience in doing the kind of stunts that Jackie Chan is famous for, confessed that it was one of the most challenging experiences for him.
“They just wanted me to kick over my head”.
John Cena and Jackie Chan in Hidden Strike
The celebrity went on to add that he realized lifting weights was far easier than doing complicated martial arts moves. The Peacemaker star also revealed that his strenuous training of 3 months made him lose over 20 pounds. Despite the hardships, Cena found the experience to be fruitful and a great opportunity to learn something new.
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