It’s not a typical shiny Marvel, but the newest X-Men film Logan is one of the best superhero movies in years

The latest instalment is Hugh Jackman’s ninth time playing Wolverine in 17 years… and our film critic thinks it’s his best

LOGAN is Hugh Jackman’s ninth X-Men Universe film in 17 years.

And not only does this appear to be his final outing as Wolverine, it is without doubt his best — quite possibly his best film period

Oh, and it’s probably even one of the best superhero films for years.

Be warned though, this is NOT a shiny, wisecracking Marvel film. It’s the X-Men’s Dark Knight — the Even Darker Knight if you will.

The film isn’t your typical Marvel movie, but it’s quite possibly Hugh Jackman’s best film everCredit: [email protected]

There’s no leather jumpsuits and spacecraft here. There’s an old, drunk and cranky bloke who looks like Ian Beale when he was homeless that time. The only difference being this dude has adamantium implants.

We find Logan out near the US/Mexican border in 2029 after some cataclysmic event has all but wiped out mutants.

The X-Men are no more and he has resorted to limo driving and hiding Charles Xavier in a secure tank in the backyard, under the watchful eye of Caliban (a very good and droll Stephen Merchant).

The film is set in 2029 when a cataclysmic event 25 years ago has all but wiped out mutantsCredit: [email protected]

Charles (Patrick Stewart at his very best — cantankerous, rude but heartfelt) is decrepit and senile. Which, when you’ve got the most powerful brain in the world, is a bloody dangerous thing.

While no mutants have existed for 25 years, somewhere in a Mexican facility lie many secrets — which have just escaped across the border.

The ensuing hunt by the bad guys for these mysterious subjects drags Logan back into a world he was trying to forget, but one that refuses to let him leave.

The film is reminiscent of Mad Max with a sprinkling of Terminator 2Credit: [email protected]

This is effectively a buddy movie between Wolverine and Charles layered with extreme violence, ennui and pathos. These are superheroes that reflect back at us.

When we first met them, we were all young and full of hope but now in 2017 we’re as weary, knackered and as bitter as the faces on screen. It’s a very relatable subtext — and one that leads us all to the same inevitable conclusion.

It’s reminiscent of Mad Max with a sprinkling of Terminator 2.

There are so many incredible set-pieces — in particular a hotel room scene so cleverly done I held my breath for so long my lips started to turn blue. But also touches of light relief offered by a bunch of kids who . . . well I won’t spoil all the fun.

You’ll have met young Laura from the trailers and have probably guessed her role but it doesn’t make her any less badass.

Fox has been building to Logan for some time, finally creating the most human of superhero movies.

Absolutely bloody brilliant. Brutal, foul-mouthed and tragic. Just gutted I can’t show the kids!

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