Lewis Capaldi fans praise singer’s ‘heavenly’ cover of Britney Spears’s single ‘Everytime’

‘The cover we never knew we needed,’ one fan wrote

Lewis Capaldi gives fans goosebumps with his Live Lounge version of Britney  Spears' Everytime | Daily Mail Online

Lewis Capaldi’s fans are “starstruck” by his rendition of Britney Spears’s 2003 track “Everytime.”

During an appearance on BBC Radio 1’s Live Lounge on Monday (26 September), the 25-year-old singer sang a cover of “Everytime” from Spears’s album In the Zone.

“Every time I try to fly I fall/ Without my wings/ I feel so small/ I guess I need you, baby/ And every time I see you in my dreams/ I see your face/ It’s haunting me/ I guess I need you, baby,” he sings on the chorus of the track.

“Everytime” was released as the third single from Spears’s fourth studio album.

Though the LP was released in 2003, the single itself was released on 10 May 200.

At the time, Spears’s song peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

After hearing Capaldi’s version, fans started sharing positive reviews on social media.

“If ever a song was perfect for Lewis. This is it,” one fan wrote.

Lewis Capaldi fans praise singer's 'heavenly' cover of Britney Spears's  single 'Everytime' | The Independent

Another person added: “Lewis Capaldi, this is heavenly.”

One person wrote: “Awesome cover! Made me tear up a bit.”

Many Twitter users are also tagging Spotify and Spears, asking them to upload Capaldi’s version of “Everytime” on the streaming platform.

“The cover we never knew we needed,” another fan wrote.

The cover comes four days after Capaldi sang his rendition of US pop artist Olivia Rodrigo’s Number 1 single “Driver’s Licence” for his latest Spotify Singles session.

Earlier this month, Capaldi revealed that he has been diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome.

The singer went public with his diagnosis because he didn’t want his twitching to be misinterpreted.

Tourette’s is a condition that causes a person to make involuntary sounds and movements known as tics.

“I wanted to speak about it because I didn’t want people to think I was taking cocaine or something,” Capaldi, who is releasing a new single on Friday 9 September, said during an Instagram live session.

“My shoulder twitches when I am excited, happy, nervous, or stressed,” he added. “It is something I am living with. It’s not as bad as it looks.”

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