Modern Amakan House (5 x 6.5 m) / Bahay Kubo with 2 Bedrooms

Home design with a modern look is in demand because of its simple yet aesthetic details. However, who would have thought that traditional home designs are also still very popular and have many enthusiasts. One of them is the amakan-style house design as in the following example. 

For those of you who want to have an amakan house design reference but still have an interior with a stylish modern look, check out Modern Amakan House (5 x 6.5 m) / Bahay Kubo with 2 Bedrooms.

House facade design

This Amakan house design is a 2-story building that stands with a size that is not too large. Looking from the facade, this house design has a natural look with a combination of concrete and Amakan. The application of the Amakan look is more dominant, making this house have a distinctive atmosphere and reminiscent of a beautiful and tranquil rural atmosphere. 

Then, the roof design with a sloping plane can be the right element because it is less conspicuous and lighter which is safer for the building.

Ground floor plan

With a house size of 5 x 6.5 meters, each room needs to be well-organized so that it still has a comfortable space and makes the owner move more optimally. The area on the 1st floor includes the living room, dining room, kitchen, and toilet. In addition, there is also a bedroom with a large size and has a comfortable arrangement design.

Second floor plan

On the 2nd floor, there are not many areas here. The building design is smaller than the ground floor, making this area only used as a bedroom. Access to this 2nd floor area is a small staircase near the living room.

House interior design

Entering the interior, this house has a simple look and uses an open plan room concept. Some of the rooms in this area include the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Each area is well organized with a wooden look that makes it look more natural and has a warm atmosphere for families.

Second floor interior design

On the second floor, the design of the bedroom looks very impressive. The use of stationary windows that dominate the room can make this bedroom have a very perfect view. Not only that, light can also enter well which can then help lighting and give a wider and less stuffy impression to the room.

Thank you for taking time to read Modern Amakan House (5 x 6.5 m) / Bahay Kubo with 2 Bedrooms. Hopefully, those pictures will be useful to those of you looking for ideas and inspiration for small house design and plan. We hope that this makes it easier for you to build your dream home. Don’t forget to share this article with anyone who might find it useful. is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition, there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child’s bedroom.

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