Jennifer Lopez has a fair share of stories when it comes to her interactions with fans. The singer and actress is a bombshell filled with talent. Whether it is a hit song or a massive movie, she will give out her best to make sure her fans know just how much she loves them. Her experiences with fans are filled with positivity and charm.

Unfortunately, that is only the singer’s side of the story. From the perspective of the fans and staff around her, she hasn’t been the best person to be around. She has been labeled as a diva and even somewhat rude to those around her. There are certain rules that the fans and people around her must follow, if those are broken then there would be a certain fit that could even get staff fired.
Jennifer Lopez Does Not Make Eye Contact With Her Fans
Jennifer Lopez is a celebrity who has fans both because of her music career as well as her acting career. Her range has given her the opportunity to have a massive fanbase. Although a lot of what they have to say about her isn’t the kindest.

“Jennifer has an extreme thing about people looking at her other than when she’s onstage. Then everyone has to look at her. Otherwise, if small unimportant people look at her, and God forbid, open their little unimportant mouths to speak to Her Holiness, she does whatever she can to retaliate. If they’re servers or anyone she can get fired, she gets them fired.”
The actress was said to have a serious issue if anyone made eye contact with her and she would not even directly talk to any staff members, whether they are flight attendants, waiters or personally working for her. Those who do not know her personally had a lot of personal complaints against her.
Jennifer Lopez Does Not Make Eye Contact With Her Fans
Jennifer Lopez is a celebrity who has fans both because of her music career as well as her acting career. Her range has given her the opportunity to have a massive fanbase. Although a lot of what they have to say about her isn’t the kindest.

“Jennifer has an extreme thing about people looking at her other than when she’s onstage. Then everyone has to look at her. Otherwise, if small unimportant people look at her, and God forbid, open their little unimportant mouths to speak to Her Holiness, she does whatever she can to retaliate. If they’re servers or anyone she can get fired, she gets them fired.”
The actress was said to have a serious issue if anyone made eye contact with her and she would not even directly talk to any staff members, whether they are flight attendants, waiters or personally working for her. Those who do not know her personally had a lot of personal complaints against her.