The Rock might have been hitting on an active female WWE star, claims veteran


The Rock hasn’t been seen in WWE for a while, but his influence on wrestling is so massive that wrestlers continue to get compared to The Great One. Trish Stratus was called “the female Rock” by the Hollywood star himself back in the day, and Vince Russo recently revealed his honest thoughts about the claim.

The Rock ensured Trish Stratus knew how highly he rated her and felt she could be as impactful as him but in the women’s division.

Vince Russo felt that Johnson calling Trish Stratus the ‘female Rock’ was his way of hitting on her rather than praising the former women’s champion. Russo clarified that he wasn’t ignoring Stratus’ influence on pro wrestling and just believed Dwayne Johnson might have had other ideas when he said the line to Trish during their backstage conversation:

“EC3, help me out here. Is he not hitting on her with this line? Let’s be honest… So, he’s probably hitting on her. Not to discredit any female wrestler out there because I love the female wrestlers, with the exception of Zoey [Stark], but was he not hitting on her? That sounds like so [The] Rock hitting on Trish Stratus, man,” said Russo. [2:23 – 3:00]


Is Trish Stratus really like The Rock? Vince Russo reveals why he disagrees.

The former WWE writer recalled being introduced to Trish Stratus by Billy Gunn. While he was a big fan of the RAW superstar, Vince Russo didn’t think she was at the level of Dwayne Johnson.

Russo even noted that he’d left WWE when Stratus began her rise to the top and admitted he didn’t watch her work during that time.

“Right before I left, Billy Gunn introduced me to Trish Stratus, and Billy was trying to get her in, right before I left. I never saw her run at all. I never saw any Trish Stratus stuff at all, but I mean, come on. Let’s ask the logical question. First of all, from what I’ve seen of her now, bro, this ain’t no female Rock we’re talking about. I’ve not seen the female Rock, and I’ve worked with a lot of great women, but let’s be honest,” Russo explained. [1:44 – 2:22]


Vince, however, has worked with several talents during his lengthy career in pro wrestling and said he’d not seen any woman come close to being like The Rock.

What do you honestly feel about Trish Stratus potentially being the Rock of women’s wrestling? Let us know in the comments section below.

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