Billionaire WWE Superstar Dwayne Johnson The Rock To Meet UFC Fighter Who Is Struggling Financially-WATCH

Billionaire WWE Superstar Dwayne Johnson The Rock To Meet UFC Fighter: UFC News: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is a man of his…

Billionaire WWE Superstar Dwayne Johnson The Rock To Meet UFC Fighter Who Is Struggling Financially-WATCH
Billionaire WWE Superstar Dwayne Johnson The Rock To Meet UFC Fighter Who Is Struggling Financially-WATCH

Billionaire WWE Superstar Dwayne Johnson The Rock To Meet UFC Fighter: UFC News: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is a man of his word; after promising to assist financially-struggling UFC competitor Themba Gorimbo, the MMA fighter informs us the two intend to meet up soon! Follow UFC News Updates with InsideSports.IN.

Themba says, he is very excited to meet Rock as it is everybody’s dream to meet Rock, but in his case, it is the legendary Rock who wants to meet him. Which is what makes the whole situation surreal.

Dwayne Johnson Is Ready To “Meet” UFC Fighter, After Helping Him Out When  He Was Down to Almost $7, Much Like Him - EssentiallySports

The Rock To Meet UFC Fighter Who Is Struggling Financially-WATCH

The UFC fighter is not ashamed or embarrassed to share his current situation of having financial difficulties with his fans and audiences, as per what he says in the video to TMZ. The 32 years old fighter shared his story last month when he was made aware of his financial situation. Themba only had $ 7 in his bank account prior to the UFC Fight Night in Las Vegas.

For Dwayne, the tweet had personal resonance. In 1995, when his football career was abruptly ended by the Canadian Football League, he is infamous for having only $7 in his pocket.

Billionaire WWE Superstar Dwayne Johnson The Rock To Meet UFC Fighter Who Is Struggling Financially-WATCH

It goes without saying that The Rock joined the WWE, began appearing in films, and rose to the position of top performer on the planet. Additionally, he founded a production firm under the name Seven Bucks Production.

Themba also stated that 7 was his lucky number, and Rock too could relate to his situation on an emotional level. Which allowed him to set up his mind to help the UFC Fighter.

The Zimbabwean fighter claims that when they do finally meet, he will have some suggestions for Johnson, including having a biopic produced of his life!

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