Britney Spears team was afraid she’d refuse to meet her mother Lynne Spears

Britney Spears has just turned to social media to highlight all the difficulty she faced when having to write her book

Britney Spears talks ‘dark difficulty’ writing ‘The Woman In Me’: ‘I need therapy’

Britney Spears has just turned to social media to highlight the dark and difficult side of getting her book ‘out there’.

The singer-songwriter shared all her thoughts in a reel that has been shared to Instagram.

In the post, Spears started by offering fans an update, and explaining how she’s “worked her a** off” in recent months.

She was quoted saying, “Ok guys so just got finished with my book. Its coming out very soon,” and “I worked my a** off” for it.

Later on, into the reel she also went on to admit the journey it took to put pen to paper when writing the entire piece.


Per her admissions, “I had a lot of therapy to get this book done so you guys better like it” but “if you don’t that’s cool too,” she even added in the middle of her claim.

The star even slipped in a cute rhyme and said, “Jamaca, [inadible] take it to Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama.”

But before signing off she also added in a little plea, and added, “I’m out of here so bye guys, hope you like the book.”

This announcement came shortly after experts and insiders started offering insights into what might be featured in the book, from her public breakdown to having her children taken away and even the conservatorship.

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