Grizzly’s salmon fishing season

From mid-July to early September, a waterfall in the US becomes an ideal place for grizzly bears to hunt when millions of salmon cross the falls to reach the spawning area.


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Brooks Falls is located on the river of the same name in the Katmai National Park and Reserve in the state of Alaska, USA. This is the ideal salmon hunting location for grizzly bears.

Brooks is a low waterfall with a height of about 1.8 meters so salmon can easily overcome the waterfall to enter the Brooks River. However, this is also the reason why they become prey for grizzly bears.


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From mid-July to early September, salmon begin to cross the falls to enter Brooks Lake – which is about 2.4 km from the falls – to spawn. They become potential prey for grizzly bears.

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Before the 1950s, only about 6 to 7 grizzly bears hunted trout at Brooks Falls. Since the establishment of Katmai National Park, the number of grizzly bears has increased rapidly. 


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Most grizzly bears prefer solitary activity. They only gather when there is an abundant food source but still follow the hierarchical division in the herd.

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The amount of nutrients grizzly bears accumulate during the spawning period is equivalent to the amount of nutrients they accumulate for the rest of the year.


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At the end of August, when the spawning season was nearing its end, the salmon began to die. The grizzly bears turned to find dead fish in the calm waters of the lower Brooks River.


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Some grizzly bears forage near the footbridges. 


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The grizzly bear stood patiently on the waterfall, waiting for its prey to jump up. 

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Catching salmon with their front legs is a skill they spend a lifetime perfecting. 

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A grizzly bear enjoying the fruits of his labor. Salmon is a nutrient-rich food source and the main source of survival for the Alaskan grizzly bear.

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