Saab’s Fourth GlobalEye Conducted Successful First Flight

The first flight of the fourth GlobalEye is an important milestone in Saab’s Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) programme and highlights that Saab can rapidly and reliably deliver GlobalEye.


The aircraft took to the skies from Saab’s airfield in Linköping, Sweden on April 03, 2023 and performed several tests related to the aircraft’s capabilities.

“We are very satisfied with this successful first flight of another GlobalEye. This confirms that we have the infrastructure, the capabilities and the expertise necessary to support our customers with the most advanced AEW&C solution in a time frame that is unmatched in the market,” says Carl-Johan Bergholm, head of Saab´s business area Surveillance.

GlobalEye is the most modern multi-domain Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) solution with an array of active and passive sensors that provide long-range detection and identification of objects in air, at sea and over land.

Sweden follows NATO membership approval with GlobalEye contract | News |  Flight Global

By providing real-time information to units in air forces, armies and navies, GlobalEye enables enhanced situational awareness of the surrounding areas and early detection of threats. It can also be used for non-military tasks such as leading and coordinating rescue missions during natural disasters or larger accidents at sea or on land.

Saab has the largest AEW&C customer base in the world, having delivered solutions over the last 30 years across the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia for multiple mission roles.

Saab is a leading defence and security company with an enduring mission, to help nations keep their people and society safe. Empowered by its 18,000 talented people, Saab constantly pushes the boundaries of technology to create a safer, more sustainable and more equitable world. Saab designs, manufactures and maintains advanced systems in aeronautics, weapons, command and control, sensors and underwater systems. Saab is headquartered in Sweden. It has major operations all over the world and is part of the domestic defence capability of several nations.

Sweden follows NATO membership approval with GlobalEye contract | News |  Flight Global

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