The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals

These transparent animals have glass-like skin. Although found all over the world, their existence has always been a mystery to scientists.

Marvel at the strange transparent animals in the world

To avoid predators, these animals often have to hide near rocks that are the same color as their skin.

The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals

At first glance, Salps looks like a long piece of jelly because of its transparent body. According to The Guardian, Salps usually live in cold seas. The salp is a floating shell-shaped marine animal about 10 cm long. Salp moves by pumping water through the body. During the process of pumping water through the body, Salp eats phytoplankton in the water. Salps have a rather strange way of life, depending on the cycle they live singly or collectively. If living in groups, Salps will link their bodies into a large chain and move, eat and grow together. Not many people know of their existence, but Salps is helping us fight climate change. Salps move around the ocean surface at night, digesting phytoplankton and dumping carbon-rich faeces on the ocean floor. This has helped keep the carbon “trapped” and not harmful,2 .


The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals
Icefish crocodile known as white blood fish with transparent body lives in Antarctica and South America.

The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals

Looks like a cannon wire, this creature lives at depths of 400 to 3000m, about 40mm in length.


The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals
The glass octopus has a transparent body like a crystal and has a very mysterious behavior.

The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals

The Pacific Anchovy, also known as the Devil Fish, is one of the most mysterious species in the ocean.


The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals
Sea cucumbers have a transparent body, even the digestive tract running along the body can be clearly seen.

The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals

Glass squid is the common name for about 60 different species of squid, but they all have transparent bodies.


The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals
Salpas are a viscous, membrane-bound plankton concentrated in the waters of Antarctica. Salpas have transparent and tubular bodies.

The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals

Transparent stingray

The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals
Fleischmann Glass Frog



Glass butterfly
Glasswing Butterfly , scientific name is Greta oto, has a transparent wing tail, instead of brilliant like other butterflies. They live in the Central and Northern regions of South America. They often feed on the nectar of many different flowers in tropical forests and lay their eggs on the species of paprika of the genus “Cestrum”. Scientists from the University of California have found the reason for glass butterflies to have transparent wings. That’s because of their wing surface structure. The wings of the glass butterfly have a random nanostructure, arranged in a non-specific order. So when sunlight hits, most of the light rays will pass through the above structure, leading to the phenomenon of invisible butterfly wings. Glass butterflies are able to survive in the wild thanks to these transparent wings that prevent them from being seen and hunted by predators.



Blind fish

The beauty of jellyfish

Glass fish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis), also known as glass arowana, Indian ghost fish. They were originally found in lakes in Thailand. This fish lives in turbid, slow-moving or calm rivers. They are adapted to an environment with a temperature of about 21-26 °C. The glassfish is a diurnal predator, feeding mainly on water bugs and occasionally smaller fish. Glass fish is considered one of the strangest fish in the world. They have a transparent body, due to the low pigmentation of the body, we can see its parts clearly. When light hits the body, they will have an iridescent color, after death, they will have a milky color. Adult glass fish can be 8 cm long.

The most impressive and mysterious transparent animals

White shrimp


Golden Ladybug
The golden ladybug has the ability to change shape depending on the environment by changing the circulatory system in the body. They can change color from yellow to red with black dots. When golden ladybugs are isolated from their natural habitat, they quickly lose their color and turn muddy brown. The reason why the golden ladybug can do this is because its shell is covered with a liquid layer made up of dew drops on the leaves. This liquid layer makes the human eye feel yellow when looking at it.

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