Maybe many people have never seen or even heard of the rarest cat species in the world. They are wild species that exist in the wild, or have problems with growth and reproduction. Due to reasons related to the declining habitat, illegal poaching, etc., they are even rarer.
1. Black-footed cat: The black-footed cat is one of the smallest cat breeds and can only be found in southern Africa. They are carnivores and were listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2002, with just over 8,300 left. Called black-footed cats because of their black legs and feet.
2. Fishing Cat: We used to think that cats hate water, but this type of cat proves to us that it’s absolutely not. Their strangest feature is the membrane on the bottom of their toes that allows them to swim underwater. They are twice the size of a domestic cat. They are not usually aggressive but can certainly defend themselves when needed.3. Lynx: The Jamaican lynx is one of the rarest and most endangered wild cats on the planet. They have a unique coat similar to jaguars. They can eat any small animals such as fish, frogs, birds, insects, etc. Today, we can only find it in Donana National Park.
4. Spotted cat: This small-headed wild cat lives mainly in Chile and some areas in Argentina. They spend most of their time resting in ravines and watching out for their prey. Locals sometimes call them “vampire” cats because of the two bites they leave on their prey.5. Sand cats: Sand cats live in arid lands, even so dry that African wildcats can’t stand it like the deserts of Africa and Asia. They are only 14.2 cm long and their tails have taken up half of their length. Sand cats have pale yellow fur like the color of sand dotted with subtle yellow-green stripes, the chin and belly are white.
6. Asian Golden Cat: This is a type of cat that often hides and is hard to find anywhere in nature. Scientists had to use special digital collars to learn more about the cat’s habitat and activities. They are usually active during the day and prefer to hunt on the ground
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