Why Britney Spears Didn’t Want ‘Once Upon a One More Time’ to Be a ‘Bio-Musical,’ According to Producer

Why Britney Spears Didn’t Want 'Once Upon a One More Time’ to be a ‘Bio-Musical,’ According to Producers

Britney Spears was thrilled to lend her discography to Broadway — with one specific caveat.

“It was actually Britney who approached us and said, ‘We’d like to have a show based on my music, and specifically not a bio-musical,’” producer Hunter Arnold told Variety at Once Upon a One More Time’s opening night on Thursday, June 22, referring to the 41-year-old pop star. “The original idea came from ideas brought forth by her: She loves fairy tales, princesses [and] storybooks. We took a couple of passes at it — we didn’t get it right instantly. Then we did a workshop after we got the current-ish version together and she came to see it and give thoughts on it.”

Britney Spears postergó su regreso a la actividad musical para Marzo –  Radios Somos

Once Upon a One More Time, which began performances at New York City’s Marquis Theatre in May, brings together six iconic storybook princesses as they gather for book club. During their meeting, a “rogue fairy godmother” hands them copies of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, which subsequently inspires them to embrace feminism. The musical — which the official summary proclaims is “powered by the hits of Britney Spears” — stars Justin GuariniBriga Heelan, Jennifer SimardAdam GodleyAisha JacksonLiv BattistaGabrielle BeckfordAshley ChiuMorgan Whitley and Lauren Zakrin.

Se prepara una obra musical de Broadway con los éxitos de Britney Spears -  La Opinión

As the ladies learn to stand up for themselves, they (along with the whole cast) can’t help but bust out some of Spears’ most iconic songs along the way.

“I just make sure I’m really warmed up and drink a lot of water because I sweat a lot,” Guarini, 44, told Variety earlier this month. “In ‘Circus’ right into ‘Sometimes’ right into ‘Oops,’ it just goes, goes, goes. Everyone is dancing, and every single time I get off the stage, we’re just like ‘How did we do that?’ That is the beauty of Broadway’s magic.”

Why Britney Spears Didn’t Want 'Once Upon a One More Time’ to be a ‘Bio-Musical,’ According to Producers
Broadway World/Shutterstock

The musical, however, did slightly tweak some of Spears’ lyrics to better fit the story lines.

“The songs work way better than they have any right to work,” Arnold explained to the outlet. “Most importantly, Britney and her team gave us pretty liberal ability to shift lyrics here and there, to make sure things didn’t feel clunky, but purposeful. You don’t want to change too much because this is music that everyone on Earth loves; it’s a half art, half science to make sure everything fits where it is. Some songs that were big numbers of hers, there weren’t places to fit. Outside of the mega hits, there was no expectation that every song would be in it. They gave our creative team freedom to do what makes the show make sense.”

The Crossroads actress, who married Sam Asghari in June 2022, gave the show her stamp of approval over on her Instagram.

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